10 must use Drupal modules and their usage

Drupal is a popular content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites worldwide. It is known for its flexibility, scalability, and robustness. One of the reasons why Drupal is so popular is because of its wide range of modules, which extend its functionality and allow users to customize their websites to their specific needs. In this article, we will discuss 10 must-use Drupal modules and the reasons why you should use them.

  1. Views: Views is one of the most popular Drupal modules, and for good reason. It allows users to create custom displays of content on their website, including lists, tables, grids, and more. This module is essential for anyone who wants to display their content in a specific way, as it provides an easy-to-use interface for creating custom views.
  2. Pathauto: Pathauto automatically generates clean and search engine friendly URLs for your Drupal content. It saves time and effort for users who would otherwise need to manually create URLs for each page or content type. Pathauto is a must-have for anyone who wants to improve their website’s SEO.
  3. Webform: Webform is a powerful form builder that allows users to create complex forms for their website, including surveys, contact forms, registration forms, and more. This module provides an easy-to-use interface for building forms and collecting data, making it an essential tool for any website that needs to collect information from its users.
  4. Token: The Token module provides a system for creating placeholders in text fields, which can be replaced with dynamic content. This module is especially useful for creating personalized messages for users, such as welcome messages, email notifications, and more.
  5. Metatag: Metatag is a module that allows users to add meta tags to their Drupal content. Meta tags are essential for improving a website’s SEO and helping search engines understand the content on a page. Metatag makes it easy for users to add these tags to their content without any coding knowledge.
  6. CKEditor: CKEditor is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor that allows users to create and edit content on their Drupal website. This module provides an easy-to-use interface for creating and formatting content, making it an essential tool for anyone who wants to create high-quality content for their website.
  7. Redirect: Redirect is a module that allows users to redirect users from one URL to another. This module is essential for anyone who has changed their website’s URL structure, as it ensures that users can still find the content they are looking for.
  8. Backup and Migrate: Backup and Migrate is a module that allows users to backup and migrate their Drupal website. This module provides an easy-to-use interface for creating backups of your website, which can be used to restore your website in case of a disaster.
  9. Google Analytics: Google Analytics is a module that allows users to track their website’s traffic and visitor behavior. This module provides an easy-to-use interface for adding Google Analytics tracking code to your website, making it an essential tool for anyone who wants to understand their website’s performance.
  10. Block Class: Block Class is a module that allows users to add custom CSS classes to their Drupal blocks. This module is essential for anyone who wants to customize the appearance of their website, as it provides an easy way to add custom styles to specific blocks.

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