Digital Equality in India, Is it true ?

Facebook has made it very common line between all of us and everyone has heard about ‘Digital Equality’ but what it is ? Is it really about equality on digital platform ? Are we really following the right cause ? Free basics in India from facebook will really make it Free ? Or create another reservation system on yet untouched digital world. Internet websites will have reservations based on their tie-ups and nature of businesses.

Addiction of Facebook in India making it easier for Zuckerburg to say half truth.

But Free Basics is in danger in India. A small, vocal group of critics are lobbying to have Free Basics banned on the basis of net neutrality. Instead of giving people access to some basic internet services for free, they demand that people pay equally to access all internet services — even if that means 1 billion people can’t afford to access any services. -Lines from facebook’s save free basics campaign.

Nobody cares about free things and if you are giving some basic internet services for free then why they are limited to your governed apps and sites. Why is it not free for any developer to make an app and publish free of cost. Why VOIP services need to have licences? Is it really worthy to create reservation rather than reducing bandwidth cost which is higher in India as compare to world ? India is still connected with facebook even with higher tarrif plans, watching videos and sharing as well.

My understanding with so called Digital Equality is something which happened after Independence and created difference not equality. I’m against this reservation system with websites. My dear Zuckerburg, if you are so much concerned about connecting one billion Indians to internet. Then help us in having better internet tariffs rather than creating new money making formula for telecom operators. They are already charging higher.

For better understanding with my issues with Digital Equality you can refer to All India Bakchod. They have explained it well.

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